MONDAY, AUGUST 21st at 7pm

total eclipse of the sun

Join Hari Singh for and evening Pranayam, Kundalini Yoga Kriya Gong BATH and Meditation

Happening with a turbo-charged New Moon in Leo. It’s an ideal time for fresh starts, break habitual behaviour, and get set for a COSMIC REBOOT.


The mantra for this meditation is the Sound of the Gong. As you listen to the Gong’s sound, it will penetrate every cell and fiber of your body. Feel yourself ride the sound current into the Infinite itself. This meditation clears the nerve-endings and makes you very sensitive to the motions of prana and to the effects of sound. The parasympathetic nervous system is ruled by sound, it is easily damaged and weakened by drugs and by poor health.  To regenerate the parasympathetic system, nothing is more powerful than the sound of the Gong.

Cost: $20 + tax (class pass accepted)