Saturday, August 26th at 1pm

Ayurveda: A Yogic Secret to Health

workshop with Param Dayal Kaur

Ayurveda is ‘living in harmony with nature’- it is the science of life. 

For thousands of years, Yogi’s have been practicing and integrating this ancient and beautiful healing practice. Now you have the opportunity to learn how Ayurveda can help you! 

Together, we will explore the different body compositions (vata, pitta, kapha), and how to find the right diet and lifestyle customized for you. We will practice various pranayamas and meditations that will balance each dosha (element) in the body. 

This workshop will provide you with a better understanding of your body and how to re-align yourself, to come into that natural, happy state of balance. By learning about our inner world- our temple- our body, we learn how to live in balance and to create mastery in our lives. 

Cost: $25 advance, $30 day of 

Teacher's Bio: 

Param Dayal Kaur  is a 500+ hour Yoga teacher and an Ayurvedic Therapist. Her emphasis is on achieving balance and harmony in life by living in connection to the wisdom of nature. She is the author of ‘Rise in Love’, a book about self-love and the practice of Kundalini Yoga. “Be You, let the light shine through”.