Tuesday, August 22nd at 7pm

Shakti Dance

Mindfulness and Rhythms
workshop with Dharma Devi Kaur

Shakti Dance™ is a Yoga system based on the Teaching of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan who has blessed this practice and inspired the founder Sava Avtar to spread this methodology all over the world.

Yogi Bhajan said that the energy of Kundalini moves on a rhythm of 8 beats...when breath, sound and movement synchronize to become one, the force of Kundalini can safely unfold and rise nurturing our nervous system and our lives.
Shakti Dance™ combines yoga and dance, and can be effective in creating this synchronization through gentle stretching, guided and free movement, celestial communication and/or Mantric choreography. The result is a deep sense of peace and joy.

Everyone is welcome, no previous experience required, just bring your curiosty to explore other aspects of beauty.

Cost: $35 early bird
          $45 day off

Teacher Bio:

Dharma Devi is a long time Yoga practitioner whose experience stretches from Hatha Yoga, practiced since childhood, to Kundalini Yoga, and merges into sacred devotional dance. She holds a Master Degree in Anthropology of Arts, and has always been interested in various modalities which enhance personal growth and transformation.

Former actress and Indian Classical dancer, Dharma Devi has brought Shakti Dance™ to the North America after studying for over 15 years with it’s founder: Sara Avtar, She is a Lead Trainer for this amazing practice that unites Yoga and dance. This union makes this method highly joyful and empowering. Originally from Italy, she moved to the U.S. in 2012, and now teaches workshops and Trainings all over the world, devoting her life to inspire women’s empowerment and consciousness around the sacred feminine and masculine relationship.