Khalsa Ladies Camp 2024
Spiritual Gathering of Women



Location: We are returning to the beautiful Khalsa Centre in Miracle Valley. Facilities are very comfortable, beautiful and expansive.

The challenge and delight of a woman’s life is to find her peaceful centre, to balance herself in the sacred, and in the joys and challenges of life. She is the centre of so much, for so many, and from her, love and power, confidence and harmony flower. Khalsa Ladies Camp is dedicated to this fulfillment. The activities are designed to help a woman nurture and develop the areas of her life which facilitate this process and to help one another on this journey.

With the revitalizing practice of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation and Mantra, the graceful power of Sikh Sacred music, fun and beautiful dance movements, and Morning Aquarian Sadhana, we renew ourselves and offer support to one another, make new friends, and connect with old ones.

Ladies camp was a fun, yet sacred experience. I am opened up to my “Goddess”, and that has changed the way I feel about myself, and how I relate to the rest of the world. I respect my grace and radiance like never before, and feel comfortable and respectful to that of others.
— Nirinjan
Thank you so much for your generosity and ability in leading the Khalsa Ladies Camp! It was a very positive and powerful experience for me, and is with me today. I could go on and on about my appreciation - I will spare you that - know that I really appreciate your gift to all of us!
— Jeanne


Here are answers to some of the questions you might be asking about KLC (you will find these and many other facts about the gathering in the KLC 2024 Info Package).

What is included?
Your fee includes double or single occupancy accommodation, 3 vegetarian meals, tea and snacks, all the workshops and meditations.

What does accommodation like?
Accommodations are in residential buildings, double or single occupancy, with full shared bathrooms on each floor.  The beds do have mattresses, but you will need to bring your own bedding. You could also bring your own tent and camp, if you are so inclined.

What is NOT included?
Some participants will provide healing services like Massage, or Energy healing. You can bring cash to pay for them.

Do you cater to dietary requirements and allergies?
The meals are nutritious, tasty, vegetarian. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served, as well as healthy snacks during the day. Please contact if you have gluten or lactose sensitivity so we can advise Khalsa Centre how many people will require alternatives. For those who have more specialized dietary requirements, there is a refrigerator in the kitchen for you to bring what food you need to supplement what is offered at Khalsa Centre.    

Can I come on my own?
Yes, please do come. It is a great place to connect to other women on a spiritual path and make new connections.

Can I bring my family members?
Yes, we love to see families coming together. Over the many years of KLC we have seen sisters, mothers and daughters and friends coming together. All women age 12 to 100 are welcome!

Do I have to be a Sikh to attend?
No! We love all women from all faiths, or no faith!  This gathering is about connection, relaxation, healing, through yoga, meditation, and sacred sound current. Oh, and fun!

I don't have any yoga or meditation experience, should I come? 
Sure, you should definitely come. Especially if you are open to exploring it. 

Can I bring my young daughter?
We are considering a young girls program this year. Please see the KLC Info Package for more about that.

The camp is in the forest, is it safe? 
Camp has staff who will be taking care of us and a guard dog to scare away wildlife if needed. 

What should I bring?
Have a look at the KLC Info Package for a list to help you know what to pack.

KLC is a marvellous, and unique experience! Do come!


Registration Info & Pricing:

Prices to be announced. Early Bird Registration starting in May.

Interested in attending Khalsa Ladies Camp, but have more questions? Please ask here and we will be happy to send you more information.