Dance of Devotion

Saturday | september 28 | 1-4pm

DANCE OF DEVOTION is a unique combination of Indian Classical Dance with Inner/Chakra/Kundalini Dance, using mantra, mudras, and chanting. Learn to embody the beautiful mantras we chant, and learn the story and mythology behind their meaning. Dance your expression of devotion and enter a meditative bliss through somatic expression and embodiment practice. 

This unique DANCE OF DEVOTION workshop is suitable for all ages, genders and dance skill levels. 

In person: $30 & tax $25 Pre-reg by Wed Sept. 25 

Teacher’s Bio:

CHANDNI is a Clinical Psychotherapist by profession and trained in 2012 as KRI TTL1 Kundalini Instructor. She is the founder of @TheTherapeuticCentre, a private practice in Kitsilano focusing on the psychological treatment of anxiety, depression and trauma. Chandni practices Kundalini Energy Healing and is trained in Spinal Energetics. Supporting clients to access their innate healing intelligence to process repressed emotions for nervous system alignment. She also runs a Conscious Women’s Community @WoMoonCircles. She is passionate about Eastern and Western modalities to support mental health and wellness. Chandni is an embodiment of her practice and works in honour and acknowledgement of the teachings from her cultural heritage.