saturday | april 27 | 1-4 pm


Go back to your school days. What did you think you could be? What did you want to be then? Memories, good and bad, happy and sad, still haunt us and keep us stuck in a foggy past that is long gone. Difficulty, pain and fear live on like ghosts in our subconscious memory. This affects our health and happiness. 

In this Rebirthing workshop, we will use posture, mantra and guided meditation to unload our clogged-up subconscious. Join us for a journey of body, mind and soul. Release the cloudyness of old haunting thoughts and create space for the happiness that is your birthright. 

Rebirthing became popular in the transformational and therapeutic modalities of the late 1970s and 80s. People were looking for a way to heal the deeply held patterns that were burdening them in mind, body and spirit. A Kundalini Yoga Rebirthing Workshop is a contained and reliable way to release old patterns and clear the path for fresh insights and ways of moving forward in your life.


In studio: $40 +tax on the day of; $35 +tax pre-reg. by Wedn April 24
Online: $25 +tax on the day of; $18 +tax pre-reg. by Wedn April 24

Teachers' Bio

HARI SINGH KHALSA is the manager of Yoga West, Vancouver.  A Professional Trainer Level Two & Three Practitioner in the Aquarian Academy. As one of  Yogi Bhajan’s early students, he has been studying and spreading the teachings of Kundalini Yoga for over 45 years. He has enjoyed a successful life long career in sound creation and production as a musician,  Juno award winning, engineer and music producer.

NIRMAL KAUR KHALSA is a Professional Trainer Level Two & Three Practitioner in the Aquarian Academy. Practicing Kundalini Yoga for ten years, she brings experience to the Team through dedicated practice. She is a Certified Level Three Sat Nam Rasayan practitioner. She has a great love for these teachings and shares them with great joy.