sATURDAY | November 23 @ 1:00-4:00 pm
Sat Nam Rasayan®workshop with Nirmal Kaur
These are changing and challenging times. It’s hard to keep up with it all. Harder to stay authentically connected with family, friends, even our sense of purpose.
In this workshop we will use the teachings of Sat Nam Rasayan® and the meditations of Kundalini Yoga, to help each other to relax and release some of the blocks to genuine connection that we have built up over time.
Sat Nam Rasayan® translates as “Deep Relaxation in The True Identity”. It is an ancient healing art that can help deeply held patterns release, so that new flows and more presence can open up.
Cost: $35 regular; $30 advance (by Nov 20) (plus GST)
Teacher Bio:
NIRMAL KAUR is a Certified Sat Nam Rasayan® Student Instructor. She studied with Guru Dev Singh Khalsa, the Master of SNR® for 15 years. She offers a weekly class, each Tuesday in this graceful practice and has a private practice, as well. To book a private healing, please email her at