Saturday | march 22 | 12-4pm

Pranayama is the source of life, we are born with it and we leave with it. Our Breath is what contains our awareness, it is the source of our spiritual Consciousness. As you may have noticed, when you take a few moments to breathe long and deep you feel more present in the moment. In the Here and Now moment.

You feel more collected and whole with all of your senses, you start to feel more intuitive and just know what is most important and know exactly what to do. You just know.

When we are Angry, Judgemental, Frustrated, Overwhelmed, and Anxious the breath is very weak and shallow and tends to imprint those traits to tissues and when they add up over time you feel heavy with habits of emotions and thought and you can’t seem to shake them out of your life. Well! Pranayama is the answer to all that. 

Come Join us and learn about your own breathing body and your intuitive spiritual awareness. 

Let us come together to heal and let go of the past and embody our inner child’s pure essence!

Extended 4 Gong & Crystal Bowl Healing, Playfulness Dancing, Deep Inner Tissue Stretches and of course Breathing a lot. 

In studio: $35 paid by Wed. March 19 2025
                $40 after Wed. March 19 2025
Online:    $20 paid by Wed. March 19 2025 
                $25 after Wed. Wed. March 19 2025

Teacher’s Bio:

MAHAN SANDEEP SINGH is a KRI Certified teacher, experienced with Hatha, Yin and Restorative Yoga practice and Vipassana Meditation. He’s insightful, intuitive, and a gifted channel to his Higher Self, and Source Consciousness. Through healing several physical injuries in his own life, often drawing on ancient Mystical Teachings and Yogic Technologies. He is a gifted intuitive healer through several modalities: the Art of Crystals, Reiki, & Sound healing creating sacred space through Singing Crystal Bowls & Gong Baths.