Yoga West Vancouver — Level 1 (Instructor): Foundations

Aquarian Teacher

The Vision of our KRI Aquarian Teacher Training Programs is to produce teachers of Kundalini Yoga who demonstrate awareness in consciousness, excellence in teaching skills, and serve as an example of depth and maturity of character. To achieve this there are three stages of training with its own tasks, criteria and disciplines. Yoga West currently provides the First, and Second stages of training and supports them with a highly qualified and renowned training team. This program is offered in Vancouver.

If you want to learn something, read about it.

If you want to understand something, write about it.

If you want to master something, teach it.

In the 50 years plus that Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness has been taught in the west and internationally, it has been the intention not to gather disciples but to create teachers. The Aquarian Teacher Training Program of the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) has trained thousands of KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teachers, who form an International Community of Kundalini Yoga Teachers dedicated to this endeavour. Come join us!

“We are not asking you to find the Master—Be the Master”

The KRI Level One Aquarian Teacher Training Program is a 220-hour professional certification program in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan ®. An interactive course in the theory, practice, and basic skills of a Kundalini Yoga instructor, it includes 180 hours of classroom instruction and 40 hours of independent study: a 40-day meditation. Graduates of Level One earn the title of KRI Certified Instructor of Kundalini Yoga and fulfill the Yoga Alliance RYT Registered Yoga Teacher 200-hour requirement.

Foundations introduces the student to the principles and practices of the self-sensory human, and explores how Kundalini Yoga and yogic lifestyle can harmonize and uplift the human experience and awaken your true potential.

Five principle components of Teacher Training Level 1

Kriya and Meditation: The foundation of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®
The theory and practice of Kundalini Yoga kriyas (yoga sets), asanas, and mudras. Explore the nature of the mind and its training through Kundalini Yoga meditations, mantras, and pranayam (breathing techniques).

Humanology and Philosophy: The Lifestyle of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher
The history and tradition of Kundalini Yoga, as well as the underlying philosophy behind all yogic practices. The technologies of Kundalini Yoga as they apply to healing and humanology (the science of daily living), including diet, nutrition, and relationships.

Anatomy & Physiology: Essentials of Yogic and Functional Anatomy
Traditional Western anatomy, its purpose and function, including the respiratory, nervous, immune, musculoskeletal, circulatory, endocrine, and digestive systems and their relation to the practice and teaching of yoga. Also Yogic anatomy and the energy systems of the body including the chakras, nadis, pranas and vayus, and the ten yogic bodies.

Consciousness of a Teacher: Virtues and Values of Living in the Golden Chain
The skills and techniques to become an effective instructor, including practical strategies for teaching beginners, ethical guidelines, curriculum development, and the transformational role of the teacher in developing a successful yoga practice.

The Practicum: Teaching from Day One
Practical experience instructing a yoga class under the supervision of a KRI Yoga Teacher Trainer, receiving written evaluation and student feedback.

10 Reasons to Choose KRI Certified Teacher Training

Our Yoga West Teacher Training is a renowned KRI Certified Program in it’s 34th year.

When you make the big decision to become a certified yoga teacher, you are faced with many options. If Kundalini Yoga is your calling, then the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) is the place to be! KRI is the only official training organization that promotes the teachings of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®. A dedicated team of experienced yoga professionals administer the KRI Aquarian Teacher Program in over 50 countries and 22 languages worldwide.

Here are 10 good reasons to choose a KRI Certified Program for your training:

  • KRI offers the only approved Teacher Training Programs in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®.

  • International standards and certification levels assure all programs deliver a consistent quality.

  • You will always find top quality Teacher Trainers who have the depth of knowledge and experience required to guide you.

  • Level One Teacher Training curriculum was developed over many years by dedicated and experienced teachers and trainers.

  • You are given one-on- one trainer support each step of the way to make sure you get what you need and help you complete the program.

  • There is continuing support for you as a teacher and a student, long after your receive your certification.

  • Certification qualities you for membership in a professional association of Kundalini Yoga teachers that is a valuable networking opportunity.

  • Deepen your development as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher with a three-level approach to Certification.

  • KRI maintains adherence to ethical and professional standards throughout the International community of Kundalini Yoga Teachers and Trainers.

  • KRI offers a wide range of resources for both teachers and students to continually expand and deepen their teaching practice.

Here are 8 good reasons why to choose the outstanding Yoga West Teacher Training Program:

1) We are pioneers in the Teacher Training domain, entering our 34th year of offering Level One Teacher Training here in Vancouver.
2) We have an outstanding Team of Trainers to serve you, with decades of experience.
3) The Lead Trainer, Guru Raj Kaur Khalsa, brought Kundalini Yoga to Vancouver almost 50 years ago and is a Senior Legacy Teacher of this Dharma.
4) The Yoga West studio offers a profound support before, during, and after your Teacher Training Program.
5) Your group will be a large, dynamic, and diverse group which offers an exciting experience of group consciousness.
6) The Yoga West Program is structured, professional, and experienced, offering you a sure formula for success!
7) Our Yoga West Program is renowned for it’s excellence.
8) All classes will be available online for those students who are unable to attend in person at our Yoga West studio.

Info Session:

Free Teacher Training Info Sessions at Yoga West

Sunday Sept. 15th 1-2:30pm

Sunday Sept. 29th 1-2:30pm

Sunday Oct. 6th 1-2:30pm

Sunday Oct. 13th 1-2:30pm


Come to an info session with any questions and to find out if this is your year!

Free Teacher Training Info Sessions are held in studio and online (Zoom)



October 18, 19, 20

November 15, 16, 17

Nov. 30 & Dec. 1 The 21 Stages of Meditation First Journey

December 13, 14, 15


January 10, 11, 12

February 7, 8, 9

March 7, 8, 9

April 4, 5, 6

May 9, 10, 11

Course hours:

Fridays 6pm - 8:30pm – Saturdays 8am – 6pm Sundays 8:30am – 6pm

End times are approximate and may vary by 10 or 15 minutes

Online - All classes will be available online via Zoom for those students who are unable to attend in person at Yoga West

Entrance interview - You will sign up for an entrance interview when you register. Dates for your Practice Sessions & Practicum will be forthcoming early in the program.


• Total cost for the program is $4000. Note:This does not include the price of books nor the price of any other required courses.

• Students receive a T2202A form which allows claiming the cost of the program on your tax return.

Included in the course:

• Course fees for all instruction

•10 yoga class pass at Yoga West Vancouver (students responsible for cost of the other 10 required classes required for certification)

•A one-year Associate Membership to IKYTA (see:

•A discount of 10% is available to full-time students and seniors 65 and over

•10% discount on books and sheepskins at Yoga West while in training

•10% discount on yoga passes at Yoga West while in training

Payment Schedule & Registration (2024-2025)

Submitted with your application: a non-refundable fee of $200

Special Early-bird Price: $3800 paid in full by before Monday, September 30, 2024

Option A: Total Tuition $4000 paid in full by Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Option B: Payment Plan Total Tuition: $4000 + $150 Admin fee = $4150 total

by Mon. Oct. 14, 2024 $2200 / Fri. Dec. 13, 2024 $975 / by Fri. March 7, 2024 / $975

All payments must be made by post-dated cheques or post-dated credit card authorizations by Oct 18, 2024

Registration Deadline is Wednesday October 16, 2024

To register for the program download this registration package. Read all forms and agreements completely, and fill them out legibly. Once completed they can be mailed to, or dropped off at:
Yoga West | 2662 W 4th Ave. | Vancouver, BC | V6K 1P7
Please note that you must need to submit a $200 non-refundable deposit with your registration forms.
Before you are admitted to the course you are required to attend a short entrance interview with the teacher trainers. Yoga West will call you after your registration package has been received to book an interview appointment.

Interested in Teacher Training, but have more questions? Please ask here and we will be happy to send you more information.